Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy & Security Policy (Privacy Policy) explains how the Data Controllers, Data Processors and Sub Processors and/or the owners and operators of this website (also referred to as “we” or “us” in this Privacy Policy) each within their respective definitions, roles, and authorities, collects and may use information about you and your child that you provide on the screener portion of this website, and the actions taken to help protect the privacy and security of that information. This policy DOES NOT apply to information that is collected through this website but does not identify you and your child in any way, such as aggregated information about groups (rather than individuals), which we might use to show likely trends or geographic groupings. In compliance with data protection and privacy laws, and/or where other contractual elements require, we ensure that individuals can exercise all applicable informational rights with respect to their personal information that may be submitted by you via this website, including, but not limited to the right of access and correction, to submit a complaint, object to data processing, request data deletion, restrict certain conditions of data processing and request information and further clarification of the categories of data collected and transmitted while using this website. By using the screener website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement on behalf of you and your child. Please do not use the screener website if you do not agree with the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Collected Information

In order to determine whether you or your loved one pre-qualifies for a clinical trial for which we are identifying potential patients, or to identify a clinical research center in your area, we may ask you to provide us with information about yourself and your child. The personal information we collect may include yours and your child’s name, email address, physical address and/or phone number, as well as certain other personal information, including limited health information, necessary to determine if your child is an eligible candidate for possible inclusion in this clinical trial. We will only seek health and other personal information that is relevant to this clinical trial.

Information Storage

The information collected is stored on secured servers employing next generation technology designed to maintain a secured environment. While all reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorized access, use, and alteration of personal information, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of such information. Please note that no method of transmission over the Internet, or electronic storage, is 100% secure.

Information Access

Yours and your child’s information will be released to the clinical trial site you have chosen if it is determined your child may be an eligible candidate for the clinical trial in which you have expressed interest. It may also be partially accessed by contracted parties and contact coordinators working directly with the participating clinical trial sites. In any event, only authorized individuals that have undergone training in security and compliance measures of personal information are permitted to handle the data.

Information Disclosure

Yours and your child’s personal information may be disclosed if and to the extent required by law, court order, or other governmental authority, and may be used or disclosed for the specific purposes for which it is collected and as authorized by law. As stated above, yours and your child’s contact information and other personal information (if collected through authorized submission by you) will be sent to the participating clinical trial site you have chosen if it appears your child is an eligible candidate for the clinical trial. This occurs automatically after your submission of information; the screener website will automatically inform the clinical trial site of your interest in participating in the clinical trial via email and or direct transfer. Our website(s) may also use Google Analytics (or any other analytics program) to collect information about how many visitors we receive, what general geographic area they came from, and how they use our website(s). The results help us to improve the services offered. Any data retrieved by us through Google Analytics contains no personally identifying information and is not transmitted back to Google. Please note that although this Privacy Policy governs yours and your child’s personal information collected through the screener site as maintained by us, when yours and your child’s personal information is transferred to others, as provided for in this Privacy Policy, it is no longer governed by this Privacy Policy; but rather, it is protected by the participating clinical trial site’s individual policies, practices and applicable laws and jurisdictions. Other than the use and transfers of information outlined above, no personal data of any kind is sold or used in any way other than in compliance with the conditions described herein.

Information Retention

All information stored by us will be kept on our secured servers until the conclusion of the study. Once the study has concluded, all potential patient information that was submitted as part of the online screening process will be destroyed, unless retention of such information was authorized prior to its submission

Cookie Usage

Our websites and/or screener pages employ the use of session cookies, which are pieces of information or markers that the web server sends to your computer when you access our website(s). Session cookies are sent upon your arrival at our website to provide additional functionality and ease of use when filling out forms. The types of session cookies we use typically expire upon logout or a short time thereafter. In any event, no permanent or perpetual cookies are used or placed on your device. By continuing your use of this website, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to accept the session cookies, please do not use this website. You may also manage cookies at any time through your browser settings. To find out how to manage cookies, visit then select "How to Control/Delete Cookies" and follow the instructions for your browser.

Information Removal

We will not knowingly collect, use or disclose personal data from a minor under the age of 18 without parental consent. If we learn independently, or have been notified, we have collected or received personal information mistakenly from a minor which did not have the appropriate parental consent - we will delete that information immediately. You may request to have yours and your child’s information removed from our database prior to its eventual destruction. In the event yours and your child’s information has already been passed to the clinical trial site, you will need to contact them directly to remove any submitted information from their database. To request to have your or your child’s information deleted or to be removed from our database, email - (Please include yours and your child’s name, study name and approximate date your child pre-qualified for the study.) All requests to exercise informational rights, access to data, request data categories collected, or to submit a complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer at: By email:

*Please include your and your child’s name, study name and approximate date your child pre-qualified for the study.

Data/Information Protection Laws

We conform our compliance to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Principles. We are committed to subjecting all personal data received from European Union (EU) member countries, in reliance on the Privacy Shield Framework, to the Framework's applicable principles. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Framework, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce's Privacy Shield at - We are responsible for the processing of personal data we receive and subsequent transfers to contracted and authorized third parties as outlined herein. We are committed to complying with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers of personal data from the EU.

Independent Data Processor Compliance

In certain instances, the operators of this website which at times may be contracted specifically by the Data Controller(s) on their behalf, to independently process and transfer the data that is provided by you and on behalf of your child through your use of this website’s screener page. Notwithstanding the terms, conditions and controls outlined above, as contracted and defined Data Processors we commit to processing personal data in compliance with all General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Privacy Shield Principles and other applicable Data Protection Laws and Regulations and to resolving complaints about our collection or use of you and your child’s personal information. European Union individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Shield policy should first contact us utilizing one of the methods detailed under the “Information Removal” Section of this Privacy Policy.

Policy Changes + Updates

We regularly review our Privacy Policy to ensure that it provides an appropriate level of protection for your and your child’s Personal Information. From time to time, we may make changes to our Privacy Policy to keep it current with industry standards and as required by law. We will post the date of the most recent revisions on the top of the page. Please check back here periodically to make sure that you are current and up to date on our Privacy Policy. By your use of this clinical trial website you acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this Privacy and Security Policy.